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Find all company information centrally, quickly and language-independently with your AI-supported company search engine:

The challenges in the search for information

GDC AI BOT is a revolutionary platform that uses artificial intelligence to centralise all company information at any time, making it easy to find and language-independent.

In modern organisations, tracking down information can take time and effort, and these challenges are compounded when teams are spread across the globe. From language barriers to unstructured knowledge management, the shortcomings of traditional search methods can have a significant impact on efficiency.

Individualised AI

Your Knowledge + AI = GDC AI BOT

GDC AI BOT is your solution. Our platform utilises the power of AI to improve existing information searches in an intuitive way. Users receive answers in natural language. Users can access the information they need quickly and centrally at any time.


Break through language barriers

GDC AI BOT understands and responds in over 50 languages.
The content of your knowledge base does not have to be available in the user’s language. The language model automatically prepares the content in the user’s language.

Integrated for you

GDC AI BOT adapts to you, not the other way round. Our platform integrates seamlessly into your existing IT infrastructure and connects to any of your knowledge databases.

At GDC, we believe that knowledge should always be available everywhere. That’s why our platform provides a search on different interfaces, whether web interface, Microsoft Teams or your own app. This is quick, easy and centralised information retrieval wherever and whenever you need it.

This ensures that all your knowledge is accessible, regardless of the user’s location.

Into the future of information management with GDC AI BOT.

Discover how GDC AI BOT can change your organisation.
Improve your efficiency, break through language barriers
and discover the future of knowledge management.
Start your journey with GDC AI BOT today.